The popular online business resource PayPal has launched its PassPort website in an effort to help small businesses expand their global market sales. Designed to help educate and encourage small businesses to sell their products and services in more international markets, the new PassPort website provides guidance on seasonal sale peaks specific to different countries, as well as information on cultural customs and trends, taxes, and currency exchange and fees.
“PayPal knows small businesses hear all the time that they should sell globally, but no one has given them the tools to seize the opportunity,” a PayPal spokesperson tells BlackEnterprise.com. “We interviewed our customers about their biggest global selling challenges, and the result was our creation of PayPal PassPort. We designed PassPort as a free tool to educate and empower small businesses to explore new international sales opportunities, learn about sales peaks and holidays beyond their borders, understand gift giving traditions country by country, and tap into new or additional commerce cycles and sales trends.”
According to the Small Business Administration, minorities own 15.1% of all U.S. businesses, and 99% of these firms are small businesses. PayPal PassPort will allow minority entrepreneurs to gain a global business perspective that will help them to grow their business to newer heights and help them to compete on a platform that’s bigger than just the U.S. market.
“Just imagine if only a fraction of them decided to grow their business this year by selling internationally – that is a huge opportunity,” adds PayPal spokesperson in regards to a minority owner going global with their products. “PayPal PassPort can provide them the tools and information they need to expand their sales internationally. And although PassPort was designed for small business owners, we understand that every business has unique needs. PassPort therefore also provides real-life case studies and best practices, so businesses can learn firsthand how their peers have succeeded selling globally.”
To learn more about how your business can benefit from PayPal’s latest website go to Paypal.com/passport.