Regardless of the profession, everyone must sell himself or herself in some capacity. Think elevator pitch. For entrepreneurs, the ability to sell themselves is the single most important skill, reports WiseBread.com, a community of bloggers helping people live large on a small budget.
In fact, selling yourself no matter what product or service you are offering is what selling is all about. And at no point do entrepreneurs stop selling. Whether it is an investor meeting, small business loan request, or customer acquisition, business owners need to know how to pitch their most valuable product—that is themselves. Also, one of the best ways to find out how to sell a product is to first learn how to sell you.
So, what does it look like to “sell” you like a product? According to WiseBread, here’s how you can influence people to buy into you:
1. Identify Your Value Proposition
Your “value proposition” is a fancy way of describing your selling point. What makes you uniquely valuable? What specifically do you have to offer? What makes you irreplaceable? If you think you don’t have a value proposition, you’re wrong! No one else on Earth has the exact same combination of experiences and talents as you. You might need to spend some time investing in yourself (acquiring education, skills, and experience), but you have something to offer. Identify it and then offer it.
2. Fall in Love With Yourself
The best sales people truly believe in their product. They know it inside and out and can’t stop talking about it. Once you’ve identified your unique selling point, it’s time to fall in love with yourself. It’s time to get excited about who you are and what you have to offer.
3. Don’s Sell Yourself Short
If you don’t believe in yourself, there’s a better than average chance no one else will, either. Don’t limit this idea to the positive thinking routine. You need to exude confidence (not cockiness). By doing so the people around you will get a sense that you have what it takes. Confidence and passion are infectious.